

News 27 May 2022
ASOIU participates in TEKNOFEST-Azerbaijan with 19 projects

On May 27, the Rector of the Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU), Professor Mustafa Babanli, took part in the exhibition organised within the framework of The Festival of Aviation, Cosmonautics and Technology (“TEKNOFEST-Azerbaijan”).

At the exhibition, Rector M. Babanli got acquainted with the projects presented by ASOIU students at TEKNOFEST. The students informed Rector M. Babanli about the prototypes of the projects, the possibilities of using them, and the specific goals and areas of application of the projects.

Of the 27 projects submitted by ASOIU for the TEKNOFEST competition (1 team - a joint team with the National Aviation Academy), 26 teams fell into category B and 1 - into category C. They made it to the final of the largest Turkish Aviation, Space and Technology Festival in 9 competitions 19 ASOIU teams came out.

The classification of projects participating in the finals of various competitions is as follows:


  1. Baku TakeOff startup competition - 2 teams
  2. Cansat competition - 1 team
  3. Bakuskills competition - 3 teams
  4. GreenTech - 1 team (category C)
  5. AgroTech - 1 team
  6. Unmanned aerial vehicles - 1 team
  7. Socially oriented technologies - 3 teams
  8. Planer - 4 teams (1 team in association with the National Aviation Academy)
  9. Robotics - 3 teams

It should be noted that within the framework of the festival, the final stage of the Baku Skills competition for schoolchildren and students, organized by the STEAM project of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan, as well as the STEAM Azerbaijan project, is being held.

The festival showcases innovative products and STEAM-based solutions developed by partner organizations within various projects, and unmanned aerial vehicles and helicopters are exhibited on a static open-air site.
