

News 31 May 2022
A memorandum is signed between ASOIU and Cerrahpasa University

On May 27, the Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU) was visited by a delegation of the Turkish University Cerrahpasa headed by the vice-rector of the university, Professor Mehmet Bilgin.

Professor Mehmet Bilgin and the delegation headed by him met with the ASOIU Rector, Professor Mustafa Babanli. At the meeting attended by the academic staff of ASOIU, Rector Professor M. Babanli spoke about the history of the university, the development path and the personnel trained by this ancient educational institution. The Rector, Professor M. Babanli, also informed the guests about the current achievements in education at ASOIU, the upcoming work, and the successes achieved in improving the quality of education and teaching.

Vice-Rector of Cerrahpasa University, Professor Mehmet Bilgin, gave information about the higher educational institution he represents, its educational process, and ongoing projects. The guests expressed satisfaction with their stay at ASOIU and their interest in cooperating with such an experienced university.

The meeting also discussed cooperation issues between ASOIU and Cerrahpasa University, including joint scientific research, coordination of the education programmes, and exchange of students and teachers. As a result, the parties signed a memorandum on ensuring cooperation in these and other areas.

During the visit, the guests visited the recently opened Azerbaijani-Turkish Friendship Center at ASOIU and toured the university and got acquainted with the conditions created here.
