

News 03 Jun 2022
ASOIU students who successfully completed the internship are awarded certificates

On June 3, certificates were awarded to 14 students of the Oil-mechanics Faculty of the Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU) who completed an internship at METAK. The event was attended by Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs, Associate Professor Gasim Mammadov, METAK Production Director Mubariz Azimov, Dean of the Oil-mechanics Faculty, Associate Professor Ali Hikmet Ahmadov, academic staff and students.

Making a speech, Associate Professor Gasim Mammadov noted that in ASOIU, special attention is paid to theoretical knowledge and students' practice to train educated personnel. Mubariz Azizov, Production Director at METAK, said that they are satisfied with the students and their serious attitude towards the internship. It should be noted that the students had an internship based on a cooperation project for a month and a half.
