

News 03 Jun 2022
ASOIU holds an event on civil defence training

On June 3, the Civil Defense training in conformity with the agreed plan with the Emergency Situations and Defense Department in the Nasimi district on “The Organization of Management of Bodies and Civil Defense (CD) Formations at Elimination of Consequences of Emergency Situations” was held at Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University. The event was attended by the ASOIU executives, chiefs of the civilian staffs and members of the CD headquarter and emergency commission.

Chief of ASOIU civil defence headquarter Elshan Mammadov provided information to the attendees about the topic and objectives of the training in accordance with the training plan of the CD. According to him, the main goal of such exercises is to train CD leaders, chiefs of staff, and CD leaders with practical skills to make the right decisions immediately in the event of natural disasters, accidents and destruction.
