

News 04 Jun 2022
The 4th International Scientific and Practical Seminar on Biomedical Engineering is held at ASOIU

On June 3, the 4th International Scientific and Practical Seminar on Biomedical Engineering dedicated to the year of Shusha was held at the Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University.

74 representatives and professors from Turkey, France, Kazakhstan and local universities took part in an online and offline seminar on "Innovative non-invasive diagnostic devices, devices and systems", organized by the ASOIU Instrumentation Department.

Opening the event, Lala Bekirova, Head of the Instrumentation Department of ASOIU, Doctor of Technical Sciences, spoke about the importance of this year's seminar, emphasizing that it was dedicated to the year of Shusha. She noted the importance of such events in biomedical technologies to introduce and apply new achievements in science.

At the seminar, presentations were made by: Dr Haci Mehmet Kayili, Professor of the Engineering Faculty, Karabuk University of Turkey, on the topic "Recent Studies on Biomedical Engineering"; Ilham Kazimov, Head of the diagnostic service department of the outpatient department of the polyclinic of the Baku Health Center, on "Tibi ultrasəs müayinə cihazlarının iş prinsipi"; Nurida Tagiyeva, neuropathologist of the Neurology Department of the Baku Health Center, on "Nevroloji xəstəliklərin diaqnostikasında EMG EEQ-nin rolu"; Gozde Yeshiltash, researcher at Gebze Technical University in Turkey, on "Development to combination of GelMa-Hyaluronic acid-Alginat structure for Bone Tissue", another researcher at the same university, Ayşegul Tiryaki on "Development to combination of GelMa-Hyaluronic acid -Alginat structure for Bone Tissue"; Rufat Sadygov, Chief engineer of the technical service department of AzeriMed CJSC, on "Xəstəbaşı monitor"; Nuria Alibeyli, physiotherapist, doctor of the Clinic of Biological Medicine, on "Fizioterapiya və reabilitasiya aparatları"; Oruj Mehraliyev, cardiologist at the Omur clinic, on "İnvaziv və qeyri-invaziv kardiologiya, fərq və seçim" and others.

It should be noted that the seminar aims to identify gaps in biomedical technologies, exchange experience of specialists, develop scientific potential, and exchange views. 

