

News 04 Jun 2022
UFAZ organize the admission exam for its master's degree programs for the academic year of 2022/2023

On June 4, the Azerbaijani-French University (UFAZ) successfully organized its entrance exam for the master's degree programs for the 2022/2023 academic year.

Candidates who took part in the admission exam are graduates of different universities, specifically UFAZ, ASOIU, Khazar University, Baku Higher Oil School, Baku Engineering University, ADA University, National Aviation Academy and Baku State University.

The exam lasted 150 minutes, and candidates answered questions in 3 specialities, namely Chemical Engineering / Physical Chemistry, Applied Computer Science (Big Data and Artificial Intelligence) and Earth Sciences, depending on their preferences.

Preliminary results of the exam will be announced on June 10.

The approved list of those who successfully passed the UFAZ admission exam will be submitted to the Ministry of Education and the State Examination Center on June 16.

Candidates who took the UFAZ admission exam but did not succeed would still be able to apply to the relevant specialities offered by ASOIU and other universities, depending on their scores in the centralized entrance exam organized by SEC.
Notably, students who obtained more than 50 points during the state examination organized by the State Examination Center (SEC) could apply for UFAZ Master's Degree Programs.

In total, 80 places are allocated for the master's degree program, and all students are offered governmental places at UFAZ.
To recall, master's students of UFAZ will receive a diploma from ASOIU as well as the University of Strasbourg, one of the most prestigious universities in France.

The master's degree program will be conducted by an international academic staff of highly qualified French and Azerbaijani teachers.
