

News 07 Jun 2022
ASOIU and Prosol CJSC sign a memorandum of understanding and cooperation

On June 7, Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU) hosted a meeting with representatives of Prosol CJSC.

The meeting was attended by ASOIU Rector, Professor Mustafa Babanli, Vice-Rectors, Executive Director of the Azerbaijani-French University, Associate Professor Vazeh Askerov, Secretary-General Elizaveta Bydanova, as well as Head of Education Department Latifa Nasibova, co-founder and Chairman of Prosol CJSC Babek Agayev and a delegation.

Emphasizing the importance of cybersecurity in the modern world, the Rector, Professor M. Babanli, spoke about the potential of the university in this area, as well as its shortcomings. Rector M.Babanli also talked about the work that can be done with Prosol to train local cybersecurity specialists, create a sustainable cyber environment and strengthen it. He noted that he would do everything possible to cooperate with the company.

B.Agayev, co-founder and Chairman of Prosol CJSC, emphasized the importance of a systematic approach to establishing possible cooperation and a sustainable roadmap and cybersecurity system. Expressing interest in collaboration with the university, B.Agayev spoke about the importance of training local professional cyber specialists in foreign educational programs and providing practical knowledge to young people in training centres.

Then the parties signed a memorandum of understanding and cooperation.

It should be noted that the primary goal of the memorandum is to establish successful and fruitful bilateral cooperation in areas of mutual interest. According to the agreement, the parties will cooperate in education and training, implementing programs and projects, scientific and theoretical and practical research, and attracting students to internship programs.

Prosol CJSC is a local company specializing in cybersecurity, cyber risk, cyber protection and cyber monitoring services.
