

News 10 Jun 2022
Another presentation of the book is held in Azİİ e-Book House

On June 10, Azİİ e-Book House of the Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU) hosted the presentation of the book "Maraqlı MBA. Rəhbərin masaüstü kitabı", published by the International Bank of Azerbaijan (IBA).

Opening the event, the Director of Azİİ e-Book House, Salahat Makhmudova, informed the participants about the book. Then ASOIU Vice-Rector for Scientific Affairs, Professor Latafat Gardashova, Dean of EMF, Associate Professor Ilham Rustamov, and Head of Department, Professor Gazanfar Suleymanov, speaking, noted that the publication is a valuable resource for ASOIU teachers and students. Chief Specialist of the IBA Marketing Department Konul Hilal, author Elshan Badirkhanov and IBA press secretary Yadigar Jafarov gave detailed information about the book and talked about the directions covered in the new edition in their speeches.

It should be noted that"Maraqlı MBA. Rəhbərin masaüstü kitab" by Elshan Badirkhanov was published by" BOOK ZONE GROU" LLC and is of high quality and elegant design. The book's publication is part of the support provided by the International Bank of Azerbaijan to develop the business culture in our country.
