

News 10 Jun 2022
The presentation of the 12th issue of the journal "Applicant" takes place

On June 10, the State Examination Center hosted the presentation of the 12th issue of the "Abituriyent" journal.

The SEC has completed a scientific and statistical analysis of the results of student admissions for the 2021/2022 academic year and published it in the 12th issue of the journal "Abituriyent".

First, the guests got acquainted with the museum created at the SEC and reflected on the history of the national assessment system of our country. Then the acquaintance with the exhibition dedicated to the publications of the journal "Abituriyent" took place.

The official part of the presentation began with the sounding of the National Anthem. Then, a minute of silence honoured the memory of our martyrs who died for the independence and freedom of our Motherland.

Opening the event, Chairperson of the Board of Directors of the State Examination Center Maleyka Abbaszadeh first spoke about the special attention and care of national leader Heydar Aliyev to the education and training of specialists among the services rendered to the people of Azerbaijan. Then a video fragment of H. Aliyev's meeting with students who entered universities with high scores in 2002 was shown.

The Chairperson noted that since 1994, the State Student Admission Commission, and 2016, the State Examination Center have been conducting scientific and statistical analysis on various aspects and numerous parameters of different types of examinations conducted in the country. An analysis of the results of these examinations, aimed at selecting candidates and determining their compliance with the standards, is open to the public and is available on the SEC website. Based on the results of entrance exams for bachelor's and master's programs, residencies, as well as for secondary specialized educational institutions, final exams for public educational institutions, indicators of education in the whole country, as well as for individual regions and schools, their main parameters are comprehensively studied, proposals and recommendations are made. Some of the "Statistical information on the results of entrance examinations in different regions", "Gender aspects of the results of the entrance and final examinations", "Agricultural specialities in statistics", and "Oil and gas specialities in statistics" are published as an appendix in a separate booklet to the 12th issue of the journal "Applicant".

The Chairperson said that scientific and statistical analysis reveals positive trends in the country's education and problems and shortcomings in education and puts forward appropriate proposals and recommendations for their elimination.

Then M. Abbaszade drew attention to some statistical indicators on the subjects of the main final exam, touched upon the issues of activities based on the integration between the SEC and state bodies, and informed about the new electronic services of the Center.

Speaking at the event, Minister of Education Emin Amrullaev talked about the critical role of education in the development of society and the ongoing work to develop this area. E. Amrullaev said that the journal "Abituriyent" 12 is an invaluable source for discussions in the field of education and noted that the analysis in it should lead to more profound research, and thanks to this, we will be able to move forward.

Rector of the Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University, Professor Mustafa Babanli, spoke about the importance of scientific and statistical analysis, the process of entering higher educational institutions and modern education problems.

After the official part of the event, Aydin Gasimov, Head of the sector for assessing skills, habits and developing markers, Tural Dunyamaliev, Head of the sector for organizing an electronic exam, and Parviz Kazymov, Head of the department for psychological assessment and diagnostics, made presentations on an electronic verification of written works, managing online applications and psychological services offered by the GEC.

In the end, there was a discussion on the topic.

The electronic version of the journal is available on the SEC website. (https://dim.gov.az/activities/research/statistika/).
