

News 10 Jun 2022
Azİİ e-Book House hosts a presentation of a book dedicated to the memory of the martyr graduate

On June 10, Azİİ e-Book House of the Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University hosted the presentation of the book "Vətən səninlə fəxr edir Samir Paşayev" about martyr graduate Samir Pashayev.

The presentation was attended by ASOIU Rector, Professor Mustafa Babanli, Vice-Rector for Educational Affairs, Associate Professor Ata Babayev, Director of Azİİ e-Book House Salahat Makhmudova, Dean of Information Technology and Management Faculty (ITMF), Associate Professor Farid Agayev, martyr's parents, teacher, author of the book Rufat Huseynli, students and fellow students of the martyr.

First, a video dedicated to the martyr S. Pashayev was shown at the event, and then a minute of silence was observed in memory of the martyrs of the Patriotic War.

Welcoming the participants, the director of Azİİ e-Book House, S. Makhmudova, spoke about the book dedicated to the martyr S. Pashayev and its importance.

Speaking about the university's martyrs graduates, Rector Professor M. Babanli, stressing that ASOIU has 23 martyrs, said that patriotism and heroism are examples for all youth. M. Babanli noted that the memory of martyrs will always be honoured at the university, and the university will always be with the families of martyrs.

Then the martyr's parents highly appreciated the book dedicated to their son and thanked the university's administration for the attention and care shown to his memory.

At the event, the author of the book R. Huseynli, the Dean of FITU, Associate Professor F. Agayev and fellow students of the martyr shared their memories of S. Pashayev and spoke about his short but glorious life and military path.

It should be noted that Samir took an active part in the battles in the Terter direction, during the capture of the Talysh upland, and died heroically in the battles in the Sugovushan-Agdara direction. Samir Pashayev became a martyr in the line of duty and, by order of President Ilham Aliyev, was awarded the medals "For the Motherland", "For the Liberation of Sugovushan", and "Brave Warrior". The book dedicated to S. Pashayev, "Vətən səninlə fəxr edir, Samir Paşayev", is a 2022 edition and published in high quality. It was included in the exhibition "Karabakh is Azerbaijan, Victory belongs to Azerbaijan."
