

News 13 Jun 2022
ASOIU employees take part in an international seminar in Spain

June 6-10, ASOIU Deputy Vice-Rector for International Relations Associate Professor Ulviya Abbasova and Head of the International Projects Sector of the International Cooperation Office, Leyla Nagiyeva, took part in the International Staff Training Week, organised as part of the Erasmus + KA107 project at the University of Alcalá in Spain. The event was attended by representatives of universities from Georgia, the USA, Canada, South Africa, Israel and Ecuador. All participants were informed in detail about the innovations implemented in the post-pandemic period as part of the Erasmus + KA107 projects.

In addition, ASOIU representatives made an extensive presentation on the projects implemented in education and science at the university, aimed at increasing the potential of Erasmus + KA2 higher education institutions, on the reforms and innovations carried out by the ASOIU administration and meeting modern requirements.

The presentation aroused great interest among other university representatives, who initiated close cooperation with ASOIU in any field.

During the visit, ASOIU representatives met with the Head of the International relations service of Alcala University and got acquainted with the principles of their work. They also met with professors from Chemistry Faculty at the University of Alcala to discuss future perspectives in science and education between the two universities.

During the event, the International Programs Advisor of the University of New Brunswick Canada and the Program Coordinator of the Georgia State University of the USA proposed implementing several projects for students and teachers of ASOIU Canada and the USA.

Representatives of the International relations service of the University of Alcala, who organised the event, informed about the extension of the project with ASOIU within the framework of the Erasmus + KA107 program and expressed satisfaction with the work with teachers, students and administration of our university. In the end, each participant was awarded a certificate.
