

News 15 Jun 2022
The world-famous scientist has been awarded ASOIU Honorary Doctor

On June 14, an extraordinary meeting of the Academic Board was held at the Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU). ASOIU Rector, Professor Mustafa Babanli, said that the purpose of having an extraordinary meeting of the Academic Board is to award the title of ASOIU Honorary Doctor to the world-famous Canadian Professor Witold Pedrycz.

First, the Rector, Professor Mustafa Babanli, introduced Professor Witold Pedrycz to the meeting participants. He recalled that the scientist had close ties with the university, and by the decision of the Academic Board, he was awarded the title of Honorary Doctor of ASOIU.

ASOIU Vice-Rector for Scientific Affairs, Professor Latafat Gardashova, informed about the life and work of the Canadian scientist, his education, scientific directions and contribution to science. It was noted that numerous scientific articles by Witold Pedryts and links to them are published in high-index journals. He is also an honorary professor at more than 50 universities worldwide.
Then the Rector, Professor Mustafa Babanli, presented the guest with the ASOIU Honorary Doctor diploma.

In his speech, Professor Witold Pedrycz said he was glad to be in Azerbaijan, including at ASOIU, and thanked the university's administration for the respect and recognition shown to him. The guest who made the presentation said that he had read the book "Fuzzy-logic based material selection and synthesis" by ASOIU Rector, Professor Mustafa Babanli, published by World Scientific, as well as the scientific articles of ASOIU BA Programs Director, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Rafik Aliyev, and highly, appreciated the scientific directions and the results obtained there. During his speech, the Professor spoke about the ways to achieve success in science, the importance of technological innovation, and the use of artificial intelligence, fuzzy modelling and granular calculations. In conclusion, the honorary doctor answered the questions of the members of the Academic Board.
