

News 15 Jun 2022
An event dedicated to the "National Salvation Day" is held at ASOIU

On June 14, an event dedicated to the "National Salvation Day" was organized by the Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU) and the Executive Power of the Nasimi region.

The event was attended by ASOIU Rector, Professor Mustafa Babanli, Head of Nasimi District Executive Power Asif Askerov, deputies and other officials, as well as academic staff and students of the university.

The event began with the performance of the National Anthem and a minute of silence in memory of our national leader Heydar Aliyev and the heroic sons of Azerbaijan who died for our territorial integrity.

Then a short film about the great leader Heydar Aliyev was shown.

Speaking at the event, ASOIU Rector, Professor M. Babanli, noted that the celebration of June 15 - National Salvation Day for the citizens of the victorious country is proudly and spoke about the historical significance of this day. Noting that since 2003 President Ilham Aliyev has been worthily continuing the political line of the national leader, the Rector, Professor M. Babanli said that large-scale and consistent reforms, which are the result of the far-sighted policy of the great leader, aimed at the progress of our country and the well-being of our people, today have brought tangible results.

In his speech, the Head of the Executive Power of the Nasimi region, Asif Askerov, spoke about the exceptional merits of the national leader Heydar Aliyev in building and strengthening our modern, independent state; from a country threatened with loss of independence, he created an independent, socio-economically developed and democratic country, which today has a say in the world. Noting that the path to victory began on June 15, 1993, when national leader Heydar Aliyev returned to power, A. Askerov said that today, thanks to the great leader, Azerbaijan has become a strong state in the international arena.

 The event continued with dance performances by the ASOIU's Ganjlik Song and Dance Ensemble, performances by students and teachers of the Asaf Zeynalli College of Music, as well as performances by Honored Artists of the Republic of Azerbaijan Taiyar Bayramov and Elnur Zeynalli. At the end of the event, a video was shown with an audio recording confirming the political foresight of the national leader of the Azerbaijani people Heydar Aliyev and expressing the confidence of the great leader in the liberation of Karabakh. The event dedicated to the National Salvation Day ended with the song "Azerbaijan".
