

News 16 Jun 2022
ASOIU student wins a gold medal at the World Championship

Veli Israfilov, member of the National Paralympic Committee swimming team and winner of the 16th Summer Paralympic Games Tokyo 2020, won the gold medal at the Paralympic World Championships in Madeira, Portugal.
He clocked 1.05:66 in the 100m breaststroke. Thus, the number of medals won by our team at the World Championships has reached 4.
It should be noted that V. Israfilov is a third-year Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU) student. He is studying Electrical Power Engineering at the Power Engineering Faculty. He is also a diligent and responsible student. V.Israfilov was a member of the Children's Paralympic Movement and started his professional career there. Along with education, he paid particular attention to sports. He won many international competitions before his last big success.
