

News 17 Jun 2022
Cooperation between ASOIU and Huawei expands

On June 17, a meeting was held at the Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University with Kang Jia, PR Manager of Huawei Baku Office, and Eldaniz Aliyev, Customer Service Manager.
The meeting was attended by the Rector's Advisor for Information Technology and Innovation, Rasim Abdullayev, Deputy Vice-Rector for International Relations, Assoc. Ulviya Abbasova, Head of the International Projects Sector, Leyla Nagiyeva, Head of the Department of Computer Engineering, Assoc. Nazila Ragimova, Head of the Instrumentation Department, prof. Lala Bakirova and other ASOIU employees.
At the event, representatives of Huawei provided detailed information about the "Seeds for the Future" project for ASOIU students. It was also noted that within the framework of the project, Huawei specialists would conduct IT training for 30 students from Azerbaijan. Then, issues of expanding existing cooperation and plans for the future between Huawei and ASOIU were discussed.
At the end of the meeting, Huawei representatives visited the university's laboratories and got acquainted with the conditions and learning environment.
