

News 29 Jun 2022
Graduation Day at the Azerbaijani- French University

On June 28, the Azerbaijani-French University (UFAZ), operating under the Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU), held Graduation Day.

The Deputy Minister of Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan Firudin Gurbanov, ASOIU Rector Professor Mustafa Babanli, French Ambassador to Azerbaijan Zacharie Gross, UFAZ Executive Director Vazeh Askerov, university academic staff and graduates attended the event.

The event started with the Azerbaijani National Anthem.

ASOIU Rector, Professor Mustafa Babanli noted that 39 students with master's degrees and 139 with bachelor's degrees are graduating from UFAZ this year: "7 UFAZ graduates are admitted to the top 50 universities with full scholarship". Rector M.Babanli invited UFAZ master's graduates to work as a teacher in this project and ASOIU and to work in the research field. Rector congratulated the parents and wished success to the graduates.

Deputy Minister of Education Firudin Gurbanov noted the importance of the specialities of UFAZ students for the country and called on graduates to take an active part in the modern construction of our country and the reconstruction of liberated areas.

French Ambassador to Azerbaijan Zacharie Gross thanked the graduates for choosing UFAZ. "We are optimistic about the future of Azerbaijan. France wants to see a prosperous, developing, sovereign and independent Azerbaijan as a partner. The UFAZ project is also a part of it." The Ambassador noted that one of the challenges facing developing Azerbaijan is energy transit - reducing carbon emissions. He called on UFAZ graduates to contribute to this work with their knowledge.

UFAZ Director Vazeh Askerov and Secretary-General Elizaveta Bydanova briefed the participants on the students' achievements. It was noted that 29 UFAZ graduates graduating this year from bachelor's level would continue their education abroad at the master's level.

UFAZ graduates Laman Jalilova and Ilkin Safarli shared testimonials about their university studies.

After the official part, the graduates were awarded certificates. The event continued with musical performances.
