

News 04 Jul 2022
A group of ASOIU students and teachers are on an excursion to the Chovdar mining field

On June 28, with the organisation of AzerGold CJSC, two teachers, four bachelor's and one master's student of the Department Geology and development of mineral deposits of the Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU) were on a one-day excursion in the Dashkasan region, Chovdar mining field.

During the tour, ASOIU students and teachers were acquainted with the "HSE & Process, Safety Introduction" and operational work. Following safety standards, the excursion participants, having received overalls, first visited the mining area, then the crusher zone and the processing plant and closely observed the processes.

Then a meeting of employees and students with company representatives took place. Issues of cooperation between ASOIU and AzerGold CJSC and issues related to further increase in employment opportunities for students and graduates were discussed at the meeting.
