

News 05 Jul 2022
Karabakh park opens in Batman

On June 30, the Karabakh Park was opened in the Turkish Batman province. The opening ceremony was attended by the Rector of the Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU), Professor Mustafa Babanli, who was in Turkey to participate in the international conference "Batman Energy Summit-2022", the Rector of the Batman University, Professor Idris Demir, the Governor of the Batman province Ekrem Canalp, Turkish statesmen, representatives of the local community and the academic staff of Batman University.
At the opening ceremony, Ekrem Canalp, Governor of the Batman province, spoke about the Turkish-Azerbaijani brotherhood and the inviolable historical ties between the two countries. He noted that the opening of the Karabakh park in Turkey today is an example of the unity of the two fraternal countries.
ASOIU Rector, Professor Mustafa Babanli, expressed satisfaction with creating the Karabakh Park in Turkey, reflecting the 44-day Patriotic War and the historic victory of Azerbaijan with his participation in such a solemn ceremony. Rector, Professor Mustafa Babanli, noted that the Turkish-Azerbaijani brotherhood is eternal, and such fundamental projects raise this friendship to a higher level, stressing that the whole world will continue to witness the development and eternal unity of the two fraternal countries.
Rector of Batman University, Prof. Idris Demir, called the created Karabakh park another symbol of the unity of Azerbaijan and Turkey. In his speech, he spoke about the strong relations between Azerbaijan and Turkey. Professor Idris Demir noted that today, along with the political-diplomatic, economic and cultural spheres, there are close cooperation relations with higher educational institutions of Azerbaijan, in particular with ASOIU. Professor Idris Demir expressed confidence that cooperation would develop more successfully in all areas and new projects would be implemented.
The opening ceremony consisted of an official part and an artistic program and continued with musical numbers.
It should also be noted that the park covers a total area of ​​15,397 square meters and is built based on modern architecture. There are plots with a children's entertainment area, recreation areas, and fountains. In addition to the exhibition space, there are works by seven well-known Azerbaijani art masters.
