

News 05 Jul 2022
ASOIU holds Graduation Day

On July 5, Graduation Day was held at the Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU). The event was attended by ASOIU Rector, Professor Mustafa Babanli, Head of Nasimi District Executive Power Asif Askerov, deputies - Musa Gasimly, Aydin Mirzazade, Hikmet Babaoglu, Chairman of the Nasimi District NAP Branch Azer Suleymanov, General Director of Azneft Production Association Shahmar Huseynov, bp Vice President Bakhtiyar Aslanbayli, President of AzEI systems LLC Igor Yakovenko, Co-Founder and Chairman of Prosol CJSC Babek Agayev, Chairman of the "AzII Alumni" Public Organization Haji Nuran Huseynov, university academic staff and students.
At the event that began with the national anthem performance, ASOIU Rector Professor Mustafa Babanli congratulated the young people who graduated from the university on a momentous day and wished them success in their future activities. The Rector said that the university is always ready to support its students and graduates. In turn, students must serve their country and people as specialists worthy of the ASOIU name and love and respect their native university.
Congratulating the graduates, Asif Askerov, Head of the Executive Power of the Nasimi region, wished them success in their future lives. Recalling that AzII has always been famous for its quality education and qualified specialists trained by it, A. Askerov said that ASOIU successfully continues this tradition. In his speech, the Head of the Executive Power emphasized that our country always pays attention to young people, their intellectual and healthy formation, and added that thanks to such healthy, patriotic young people under the leadership of President, Commander-in-Chief Ilham Aliyev, the brave sons of Azerbaijan liberated from the occupation of our lands, which have been under the control of the enemy for almost 30 years.
The ASOIU Public Reliance Council Chairman, MP Aydin Mirzazade, said he is well acquainted with ASOIU students, their knowledge and skills. He congratulated the graduates and the entire staff of the university, wished the young people success and expressed the hope that they would justify their trust.
Then, students who graduated from the university with excellent marks were awarded diplomas and memorable souvenirs. The names of the best graduates are engraved on a symbolic stump.
