

News 15 Jul 2022
ASOIU commemorates July 15 martyrs

On July 15, the Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU) hosted an event dedicated to the memory of the martyrs who died during the coup attempt in the Republic of Turkey six years ago. At the event, a minute of silence honoured the memory of the heroes who died for the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan, as well as during the coup attempt in Turkey.

Speaking at the event, ASOIU Rector, Professor Mustafa Babanli, stressed that the coup attempt on July 15 was a difficult test in the history of the brotherly country. Noting that the coup attempt was the work of forces that did not accept the growing power of Turkey, Rector M. Babanli stressed that during those events, the Turkish people demonstrated their loyalty to statehood and democracy. He noted that after the failed coup attempt six years ago, the power of the fraternal country has increased even more. According to him, thanks to this power, Turkey was able to support Azerbaijan in 2020 in the Patriotic War, which resulted in the liberation of Karabakh. Rector M. Babanli said that the opening of the Azerbaijani-Turkish Friendship Center and two auditoriums on May 26, 2022, at ASOIU, as well as naming them the martyrs of the 2016 coup d'état, Professors Ilkhan Varank and Erol Olchok, is an example of a contribution to unity between the two fraternal countries. The Rector noted that the younger generation should never forget the heroic sons of Azerbaijan and Turkey and stressed that the patriotic education of students should always be a priority at ASOIU.

ASOIU Vice-Rector for Educational Affairs, Associate Professor Ata Babayev, and Dean of the Information Technologies and Management Faculty, Associate Professor Farid Agayev, also spoke at the event. They noted that even in the most challenging days of history, Azerbaijan and Turkey remained true to fraternal relations, and the union of the two countries led to peace and tranquillity in our region.
