

News 18 Jul 2022
More than 200 ASOIU graduates will receive a master's degree in 50 prestigious universities worldwide

More than 200 out of more than 3,000 bachelor graduates of the 2021-2022 academic year of the Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University will receive a master's degree in various prestigious universities worldwide. ASOIU graduates have been admitted to approximately 50 prestigious universities in the USA, Great Britain, Canada, Norway, Austria, Germany, Italy, China, France, Turkey, Poland, Spain, the Netherlands, Hungary, Estonia, Belgium, Czech Republic, Singapore, Switzerland, Lithuania, Romania, Russia, Georgia and others. Among the universities where ASOIU graduates have been admitted is the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, which is in the TOP 10, Yale University, the National University of Singapore, the University of Washington, which is in the TOP 50, the University of Manchester, the University of Strasbourg, the Sorbonne University, the Technical University of Munich, the University of La Sapienza, Polytechnic University of Milan, University of Glasgow, University of Sheffield, University of Miskolc, Beijing Technical University and others.

The University of Leeds, the Politecnico di Torino, Istanbul University-Cerrahpaşa, Istanbul University, University of Paris-Saclay, Transilvania University of Brașov, Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, London Metropolitan University, City University of London, University of Vienna, University of Innsbruck, Hamburg University of Technology,  University of Bremen, University of Perugia, Istanbul Kent University,  Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Lund Universiteti, Czech Technical University in Prague,  Xidian University, University of Tartu and others are among the universities where ASOIU graduates are admitted.

It should be noted that the number of ASOIU graduates who will study for a master's degree in universities in foreign countries is likely to increase since the admission process has not yet been completed. Notably, in the next academic year, a record number of students are expected to enrol in ASOIU's master's program.
