

News 19 Jul 2022
UFAZ students are back from summer school in Strasbourg

On July 18, the Rector of the Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU), professor Mustafa Babanli met with the students of the French-Azerbaijani University (UFAZ) who participated in the summer school organized at the University of Strasbourg, France.

Greeting the students, Rector congratulated them on the successful completion of the summer school. Professor M. Babanli expressed the hope that the acquaintance with various scientific laboratories and the French language lessons at the University of Strasbourg for two weeks will give students additional motivation and keep on their hard work.

UFAZ Director Vazeh Askarov noted that the President of the University of Strasbourg, Michel Denken, was delighted with the level of students' preparation during the meeting with them. Students visited various laboratories of earth sciences, geophysics, and chemistry. In addition, Professor Pierre Collet of Strasbourg University gave a lecture on "Ethical problems that artificial intelligence may cause in the 21st-century" students. Later, students shared their impressions of the trip.

A total of 46 UFAZ students participated in the Summer School organized at the University of Strasbourg in France from July 3 to 17th. The program of the summer school included daily French language courses and conversation clubs, as well as classes in the scientific laboratories of the University of Strasbourg. In the cultural part of the program, students visited local museums and cultural-historical parts of Strasbourg. Students participating in the summer school are selected based on their academic performance during their studies.
