

News 25 Jul 2022
AzII e-Book House joins the "Soldier's Bookshelf" book collection campaign

The Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU) has joined the campaign to collect books called "Soldier's Bookshelf", launched by the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Azerbaijan in cooperation with the "Ireli" Public Union.

On July 25, as part of the campaign, the AzII e-Book House Foundation donated 40 copies of 39 patriotic, scientific, artistic, journalistic books and other genres.

Book presenters Bahruz Nazarov, Director of the Public Relations and Marketing Department of the Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University, and Salahat Mahmudova, Director of AzII e-Book House, highly appreciated the noble initiative of the "Ireli" Public Union launched by the Ministry of Defense and noted that the university has always supported such projects.

The "Ireli" Public Union representative, Arif Rahimli, expressed his gratitude to AzII e-Book House for supporting the book collection campaign.

It should be noted that within the "Soldier's Bookshelf" campaign, books of scientific, artistic, journalistic and other genres will be collected and delivered to all our military personnel, prioritising military personnel serving in the liberated territories. Collection of books will be carried out in the office of the "Ireli" Public Union in Baku, as well as in the offices of the Youth Development and Career Center in the Heydar Aliyev Centers in the regions.
