

News 26 Jul 2022
The Israel-Azerbaijan Training Center holds the Graduation Day

50 students of the UI / UX Designer, QA Software-Testing, and Full/Stack Developer directions of the Technest scholarship program launched by the Ministry of Digital Development and Transport at the Israel-Azerbaijan Training Center of the Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University have completed their studies. Along with the students, representatives of several prestigious companies and enterprises in the country attended the graduation ceremony.
Fatima Alekperova, project manager of the Technest scholarship program, and Rasim Abdullayev, General Manager of the Israel-Azerbaijan Training Center, spoke about the knowledge and skills acquired during the educational process and wished the graduates a successful future in working lives.
Then the graduates made a presentation of their projects. The employees of "Pasha Life", "Azercell", "Azintelecom" LLC, "Itech" "Smart Solution", "TİM Group", "CyberNet", "Agile Solution" and other companies who took part in the event got acquainted with the projects.
Then the graduates were awarded certificates.
In the second part of the event, company representatives had a more detailed discussion of the alumni presentations to get to know them better.
