

News 24 Aug 2022
ASOIU Startup participates in Istanbul Bootcamp

6 Azerbaijani startups selected at the Take Off Baku startup competition took part in the Istanbul Bootcamp from 15 to 19 August. Within the framework of the visit, the founder of the HealWith project of the Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU), Elviz Ismayilov, got acquainted with the startup ecosystem of the Republic of Türkiye in 5 days and took part in 6 startup development training. He visited the incubation and acceleration centres operating in Istanbul and got acquainted with their rules.

In addition, the founder of the HealWith project, E.Ismailov, visited Bilişim Vadisi, Tanıtım Sunumu, Kocaeli School 42, TOGG, Bilgiyi Commercialization Center, Lonca Acceleration Center, and got acquainted with them and introduced HealWith startup to investors. On the last day of the visit, the startup was presented at the International Incubation Center and the Innogate Acceleration Center of the Istanbul Technical University.
