

News 12 Sep 2022
ASOIU hosts a meeting with first-year students

On September 12, a meeting was held with the first-year students of the Geological Exploration, Chemical-Technology, Oil-Mechanical, Power Engineering and Oil-Gas Production Faculties of the Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU).

At the event, ASOIU Vice-Rector for Educational Affairs, Associate Professor Ata Babayev, conveyed the greetings of the Rector, Professor Mustafa Babanli, to the event participants. Associate Professor A. Babaev congratulated the students on admission and gave detailed information to young people about the educational process, the material and technical base of the university, the organisation of exams and disciplinary rules.

The meeting was attended by the deans of the relevant faculties, Associate Professor Named Pashayev - Dean of the Faculty of Geological Exploration, Professor Sevinj Mammadkhanova - Chemical-Technology Faculty, Associate Professor Ali Hikmet Ahmedov - Dean of the Oil-Mechanical Faculty, Associate Professor Aydin Aliyev - Power Engineering Faculty, as well as the chairman of the Student Trade Union Committee Namik Ganjaev and representative of the Department of Information Technology. They spoke in detail about the activities of the centres operating at the university, the organisation of training according to the credit system, student mobility, LMS (Learning Management System) and other similar issues.
