

News 13 Sep 2022
Meetings with first-year students continue at ASOIU

On September 13, a meeting was held with first-year students of the Faculty of Information Technology and Management of the Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU).

The meeting was attended by ASOIU Vice-Rector for Educational Affairs, Associate Professor Ata Babayev, Chairman of the Student Trade Union Committee Namik Ganjaev, Dean of the Faculty of Information Technology and Management (ITMF), Associate Professor Farid Agayev and first-year students.

ITMF Dean, Associate Professor Farid Agayev congratulated the students on entering the university and familiarized them with the university's internal regulations. He informed the youth about the educational process, the learning environment, the organization of examinations, scholarships, and the work done at the university.

Chairman of the Student Trade Union Committee, N. Ganjaev, informed the students about the song and dance ensemble "Ganjlik" and about the clubs and associations operating at the university for more efficient spending of extracurricular time. He called on all students to actively participate in university life.

Then the coordinator of the IT Department, Mehriban Khidirova, made a comprehensive presentation on the LMS (Learning Management System) and gave detailed information about the rules for accessing and using the system for students.
In the end, answers were given to students' questions.
