

News 14 Sep 2022
ASOIU holds a presentation of a book written based on academician Musa Aliyev's diaries

     On September 14, within the framework of the joint organisation of the Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU), the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences and the Institute of Geology and Geophysics, a presentation of a book written based on the diaries of academician Musa Aliyev took place.

    At the beginning of the event, a minute of silence was observed in memory of the martyrs who gave their lives for the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan on September 13, during the prevention of large-scale provocative actions of the Armenian armed forces in the direction of the Kalbajar, Lachin, Dashkesan and Zangilan regions of Azerbaijan.

     Opening the event with the participation of government members, representatives of ANAS, deputies, scientists and students, ASOIU Rector Professor Mustafa Babanli assessed the book, based on the diaries of academician Musa Aliyev, as a book of high literary, moral and instructive value. Rector M. Babanli, noting that the legacy of academician Musa Aliyev, the scientific school he created, has been successfully continued at ASOIU, said that after reading the book, he rediscovered the outstanding academician as a great person with deep knowledge of Azerbaijani literature and history culture with high moral and civic values.

      Akif Alizade, Director of the Institute of Geology and Geophysics of ANAS, shared his memories of the outstanding scientist Musa Aliyev. He assessed the book, published based on the diaries of the world-famous geologist, who founded the scientific school of Mesozoic palaeontologists and stratigraphers, who made a fundamental contribution to the development of geological science in Azerbaijan, as an extraordinary historical chronicle.

      After showing a video collage depicting academician Musa Aliyev's life path, the book's compiler, a well-known writer and publicist Nadezhda Ismayilova, shared her thoughts about the outstanding academician. She said that due to the beautiful, artistic writing style of Academician Musa Aliyev, precise and fluent expression of thoughts, the work of compiling the book was exciting and enjoyable, and stressed that she was very proud to be the author of a book written about such an outstanding scientist.

     Vice-Rector of the ADA University for Academic Affairs, Dr Vafa Kazdal, noted the invaluable merits of the outstanding scientist in organising scientific work as President of the Academy of Sciences. Sharing her impressions of the book, Dr V. Kazdal spoke about the humanitarian values ​​that the academician propagated in his notes, along with science.

      Sharing their memories of Musa Aliyev, the granddaughters of Academician Naila Aliyeva and Jamila Pashayeva-Seidzade said that they were happy to attend such an event and noted that they read the book, compiled based on the scientist's diaries, with great excitement, because every word and every phrase brought back good memories.

       Rector of ADA University, Professor Hafiz Pashayev, said that the entries in the diaries of Academician Musa Aliyev show that the scientist was a generous, fair and hardworking person with a big heart. He noted that the innovations of academician Musa Aliyev made an essential contribution to world geological science, his scientific achievements have great practical importance, and his ideas formed the basis of the legendary "Oil Rocks". Prof. Hafiz Pashayev said that he hopes that the new book, which sheds light on the life, work and activities of the great scientist, will become an excellent example for the education and improvement of the younger generation after decades and centuries and stress the importance of bringing the book to a broad audience and translating it into Azerbaijani language.
