

News 22 Sep 2022
ASOIU students who complete the internship program are awarded certificates

6 students of the Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU) completed a three-week summer internship at Azerbaijan International Mining Company Limited (AIMC).

4 students of the Oil-Mechanical Faculty and two of the Faculty of Information Technology and Management of ASOIU took part in the summer program held by AIMC in July-August and were placed in two groups.

As a result, six students of ASOIU completed the program and received certificates from the company. The award ceremony was attended by ASOIU Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs, Associate Professor Gasim Mammadov, AIMC HR and Administrative Specialist Jumshud Jahangirov, Dean of the Oil-Mechanical Faculty, Associate Professor Ali Hikmet Ahmedov, as well as Deputy Dean for scientific affairs of this Faculty, Associate Professor Tahir Suleymanov. They highly appreciated students' work during the internship and wished them success in their future activities.

In the end, ASOIU students were awarded certificates.
