

News 28 Sep 2022
ASOIU students win the next competition

Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU) students have achieved another success. On September 25, 2022, members of the Platon Tech team: Shikhiyev Farid, Shikhiyev Rufat, Huseynli Gabil, and Samedov Murad won first place at the WRO (World Robot Olympiad) and received the right to represent Azerbaijan in Dortmund, Germany.

It should be noted that the team led by Farid Shikhiyev, a student of ITMF ASOIU, won first place in TEKNOFEST-Azerbaijan. In "TEKNOFEST-Azerbaijan" in the competition "Agro Tech" B category, members of the BlizzardTS team - Shikhiyev Farid, Samadov Murad, Gurbanly Chingiz, Salimzade Agshin managed to stand out with the presented project.

In addition, team members together have achieved successful results in other competitions.
