

News 28 Sep 2022
ASOIU holds a meeting with the Associate Professor of the Tashkent Chemical-Technological Institute (TCTI)

At the Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU) at the Faculty of Oil-mechanics, a meeting was held with Nurmuhammadov Abbas Mammadalievich, Associate Professor of the Department of Processes and Apparatuses of Chemical Technology, Tashkent Chemical-Technological Institute (TCTI) of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

The meeting was attended by the Dean of the Faculty of Oil-mechanics, Associate Professor Ali Hikmet Ahmadov, heads of the department and the academic staff. Dean, Associate Professor A. Ahmadov informed the guest about the work done and cooperation issues.

The meeting also discussed the prospects for bilateral cooperation, student and teaching staff exchanges within exchange programs, dual management of doctoral students, the development of joint projects, and common scientific conferences and cooperation in other areas.
