

News 06 Oct 2022
Azerishig OJSC delegation visits ASOIU

On October 5, at the Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU), organised by the Faculty of Power Engineering, an event dedicated to October 20 - the Power Engineers' Day was held.

Opening the event with an introductory speech, the Dean of the Faculty of Power Engineering (PEF) of ASOIU, Associate Professor Aydin Aliyev, greeted the event participants and introduced the OJSC delegation.

At the meeting, the Director of the Training and Innovation Center of Azerishig OJSC, Araz Mammadzade, spoke about the strategic development plan of Azerishig OJSC and provided detailed information on the reconstruction, restoration work, and other innovations carried out by Azerishig OJSC in the territories liberated from occupation.

Then the film about the work done in Karabakh, "From Darkness to Light", was shown.

It was also emphasised that particular importance is attached to establishing relations between Azerishig OJSC and students of ASOIU. In this regard, information was provided on expanding opportunities for students studying in higher educational institutions of the republic, on gaining theoretical and practical experience in the structures of Azerishig OJSC, on building a career and shaping as a valuable young specialist to the Motherland and the country, as well as large-scale modernisation projects in the electricity industry and reforms implemented in the field of renewable energy.

 In the end, answers were given to students' questions.
