

News 12 Oct 2022
AzII e-Book House hosts a presentation of a bibliographic index dedicated to Professor R. Aliyev

On October 12, the AzII e-Book House of the Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU) hosted a presentation of a bibliographic index dedicated to the outstanding Azerbaijani scientist, corresponding member of ANAS, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Rafik Aliyev.

The event was attended by ASOIU Vice-Rector for Scientific Affairs, Professor Latafat Gardashova, academic staff of the Faculty of Information Technology and Control, teachers and students of MBA BA programs, and writer-publicist Rafael Tagizada, editor of other books of Professor Rafik Aliyev. The bibliographic index was prepared under the general editorship of the Rector, Professor Mustafa Babanli.

Speakers at the event informed the participants about the life and work of a world-class scientist, the essence of his large-scale scientific work, and the importance of a scientist's scientific work. They talked about quotes from world scientists about R. Aliyev, the heir to the scientific heritage of Lutfi Zade, his entire books in fuzzy logic, and his contribution to Azerbaijani and world science.

It should be noted that the book, published in 2022, is of high quality and elegant design. In the book, readers were given detailed information about the life and work of the outstanding scientist, his main scientific achievements, monographs, textbooks, and teaching aids published in various foreign countries. The materials are prepared in Azerbaijani and English in chronological order.
