

News 14 Oct 2022
ASOIU expands cooperation with the Turkish Standards Institute

On October 13, a meeting with the Azerbaijani representative of the Turkish Standards Institute (TSE), Gulhan Yuzereroglu, was held at the Instrument Engineering of the Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU).

The meeting was attended by the Head of the Instrument Engineering Department, Associate Professor Lala Bakirova, the academic department staff, doctoral students, masters and students.

Associate Professor L. Bekirova greeted the guest and gave general information about the department. She spoke about the relations of ASOIU, including the department, with many higher educational institutions in Turkey. Talking about the importance of expanding cooperation with the Turkish Standards Institute, L. Bekirova discussed the need to develop joint projects and propose this direction.

Representative of TSE in Azerbaijan, G. Yuzereroglu, who expressed satisfaction with his stay at ASOIU, spoke about the institution's activities and history and noted the importance of cooperation with ASOIU for the creation and implementation of national standards that meet international requirements in several areas, including oilfield.

The meeting discussed possible areas of cooperation, including the joint implementation of innovative activities in the fields of education and technology for the training of high-potential personnel, certification of laboratories by the educational process and scientific work, training teachers and students according to relevant standards, as well as issues of organizing joint events and projects for the development of scientific research.

It should be noted that on September 7, a memorandum of cooperation was signed between ASOIU and TSE, and a roadmap was developed.
