

News 14 Oct 2022
ASOIU Rector presents certificates to students who successfully completed the course

On October 14, the Rector of the Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU), Professor Mustafa Babanli, awarded students who completed a course at the Azerbaijan Project Management Association.

10 students of the Faculty of Information Technology and Control, Economics and Management of the University were awarded certificates after completing a 1-month course, "Increasing project management teaching potential and project management competencies", at the Azerbaijan Project Management Association.

At a meeting with students who completed the course, the Rector, Professor Mustafa Babanli, spoke about the project's benefits and noted the importance of organising project work and teaching young people about it.

Farid Kazimov, Vice-President of the Azerbaijan Project Management Association, speaking at the event, noted that during the course, ASOIU students were more active than students from other universities and said that students who received certificates were entirely responsible and educated. He added that they are interested in further cooperation with ASOIU on project work organisation.

In the end, the Rector, Professor Mustafa Babanli, presented certificates to the students, congratulated and wished them success in their studies.
