

News 18 Oct 2022
Lectures for ASOIU students are held at the production enterprise.

Lectures for students of groups 347.20 and 349.20, studying in the speciality "Food Engineering" at the full-time bachelor's degree of the Faculty of Chemical Technology, were held following the syllabus at Absheron-Sharab OJSC.

Lectures were held at the enterprise by the Head of the department "Technology of Organic Substances and High-Molecular Compounds", Professor Fariz Amirov and many employees of the department in the relevant subjects - "Technical and chemical control of food quality" (teacher Geyushov Shahin), "Food biotechnology" (teacher Agaeva Tarana), "Technological operations in the food industry", "Technology of bread, pasta, flour confectionery" (Associate Professor Agamaliev Zaur).

OJSC "Absheron-Sharab" contributes to the development of winemaking in Azerbaijan, and the products are exported to the world market. During the meeting, the Chief Technologist of the enterprise, Tural Efendiev, gave the students extensive information about the principle of the plant, production technology and purchased products. After a full acquaintance with the principles of operation of the production facilities and equipment of the enterprise, several issues related to the conduct of industrial and daily practices of students, discussion of graduation topics and research work were considered.
