

News 22 Oct 2022
AzII e-Book House hosts the presentation of the book by Professor Elman Iskandarov

On October 19, AzII e-Book House hosted the presentation of the textbook "Technologies of construction and installation of oil and gas pipelines" by the Dean of the Faculty of Oil-gas production, Professor Elman Iskandarov. The textbook presents a brief history and the main stages of the development of oil and gas transportation arteries - main pipelines. Detailed information on the classification of pipelines and their components was also given. As a 2022 edition, the indicator is of high quality and elegant design.

The book is intended for bachelor and master studying in the areas of "Structural engineering", "Logistics and Transportation Technology Engineering", and "Oil and Gas Equipment Engineering", as well as for scientists and specialists working in the field of construction of oil and gas pipelines and facilities.

At the event that the ASOIU Vice-Rector for Scientific Affairs, Professor Latafat Gardashova, Director of AzII e-Book House Salahat Mahmudova, professors, teachers, and students of the Oil-Gas Production Faculty attended, Professor Latafat Gardashova spoke about the importance of the book.

Shahin Ismailov, Head of the Department of Oil and Gas Engineering; Gafar Ismailov, Consultant Professor of the Department; Professor Sakit Rasulov, Head of the Industrial Safety and Labor Protection Department; Bagirov Alovsat, Associate Professor of the Transportation and Storage of Oil and Gas Department and Associate Professor of the same Department Aleskerov Gulbala, speaking noted that the new textbook is a valuable resource for a wide readership.
