

News 19 Oct 2022
A meeting is held with ASOIU students within the 44-Day Epic project

On October 19 at the Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU), within the framework of the 44-Day Epic project, with the support of the Youth Foundation of the Republic of Azerbaijan, and the joint organisation of the Azerbaijan Student Youth Organisations' Union (ASYOU) and the Great Return' Youth Organisation, a meeting with students, was held.

At the event's beginning, the martyrs' memory was honoured with a minute of silence, and then the State Anthem of the Republic of Azerbaijan was played. Then Vice-Rector for Educational Affairs of ASOIU, Associate Professor Ata Babayev, spoke about the historic victory of our invincible army in the 44-day Patriotic War and stressed the relevance of the acquaintance of a growing generation with our heroes who won the most significant victory in the history of our independence under the leadership of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief Ilham Aliyev.

The event was attended by the Head of the Youth Department of the Youth Foundation of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Faig Mammadov, the Chairman of the Azerbaijan Student Youth Organisations' Union (ASYOU), Parviz Miralamli and the executive director of the Great Return' Youth Organisation Nail Shukurov. They spoke about the power of the Azerbaijani army and expressed the importance of holding such meetings with the youth.

The event guests, veterans of the Patriotic War - Akhliyat Mehdiyev, Javid Hasanov, Dashgyn Iskenderov and Afgan Zakhmaev, shared their memories of the 44-day Patriotic War. The military noted that our brave sons demonstrated high professionalism in the war, ensured our country's territorial integrity, and we are proud of their eternal victory.

In the end, the invited military responded to the student's questions and spoke in detail about the past combat path.
