

News 20 Oct 2022
ASOIU holds an educational event on compulsory health insurance

On October 20, within the framework of the joint organisation of the Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU) and the State Agency for Compulsory Medical Insurance, an educational event was held.

Namig Ganjaev, Chairman of the Student Trade Union Committee of ASOIU, greeted the participants on behalf of the university management at the event attended by students and academic staff of the university.

Speaking at the event, Elvin Abbasov, Chief Consultant of the PR and Marketing Department of the State Agency for Compulsory Health Insurance, made a comprehensive presentation on compulsory health insurance. In the presentation, he told the participants in detail about the goals of the CHI system, the rules for using the system, insurance premiums, medical services included in the package of services, application forms, the procedure for using medical services, as well as medical institutions that provide insurance services.

In the end, answers were given to participants' questions.

It should be noted that the State Agency for Compulsory Medical Insurance, following its activities, is taking measures to popularise compulsory medical insurance and educate the population in this area.
