

News 27 Oct 2022
Lectures for a group of ASOIU students are held at a production enterprise

On October 25, students studying in the speciality "Food Engineering" the bachelor's degree of the Faculty of Chemistry and Technology of the Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU), attended lectures of the Head of the department "Technology of Organic Substances and High-Molecular Compounds", Professor Fariz Amirov, Assoc. Prof. Naibova Tamilla, Assoc. Prof. Agamaliev Zaur, teacher Agayeva Tarana, and other employees at the MİLK PRO institution.

First, students were given general information about the principles of operation of devices and equipment working in the production field. After the students were thoroughly acquainted with the production process, they were offered a tasting of many of the company's products.
