

News 04 Nov 2022
ASOIU and METU sign Memorandum of Cooperation

On November 4, a meeting was held with Professor Mustafa Versan Kök, Rector of the Middle East Technical University of Turkey (METU), one of the partners of the international scientific conference held at the Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU).

Speaking at the meeting, ASOIU Rector Professor Mustafa Babanli emphasised the importance of developing long-term relations with METU and expanding cooperation in certain areas for both parties. In particular, attention was paid to implementing joint projects in dual programs, exchanging students and teachers, collaborative start-up projects, and project management training.

Expressing satisfaction with his stay at ASOIU, the Rector of METU, Professor M. V. Kök, said that in addition to the scientific partnership, it is planned to implement joint projects in many teaching directions. He said that a new stage has begun in cooperation with ASOIU and hopes that today's meeting will give an essential impetus to the further development of relations.

Then a memorandum of cooperation was signed between the parties.
