

News 08 Nov 2022
ASOIU opens auditoriums in the name of the martyr graduates

On November 8 at the Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU), November 8 - Victory Day was celebrated, and auditoriums named after 23 martyrs graduates of the university were opened.

The event, attended by professors, university teachers, parents and relatives of our martyrs' graduates and students, began with the performance of the National Anthem of the Republic of Azerbaijan. Honouring the memory of the martyrs with a minute of silence, ASOIU Rector, Professor Mustafa Babanli, congratulated everyone on the 2nd anniversary of Victory Day, noting the glorious victory of our people, inscribed in golden letters in our history. Speaking about the main factors that determined the victory and liberation of our lands from the enemy in a short time under the leadership of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief Ilham Aliyev during the 44-day war, the Rector, Professor Mustafa Babanli, noted the unity of the army and the people, the desire of the nation to own its historical lands.

The Rector, Professor Mustafa Babanli, stressed that our martyrs, who gave us the joy of this victory at the cost of their lives, will forever remain in the hearts of our people, and their memory will always live on. He drew the audience's attention to the fact that as part of the work carried out at the university to perpetuate the memory of martyrs-graduates, auditoriums named after each of our 23 martyrs were created.

The event, which began in the university's assembly hall, continued with the laying of a wreath at the monument of the National Hero Mubariz Ibrahimov and the memorial complex to the martyrs-graduates of ASOIU who died during the Patriotic War. Then, with the participation of the parents and relatives of our martyrs, auditoriums named after their heroic sons were opened. Stands were installed in the classrooms, telling about each martyr's life and combat path.

After the opening of the auditoriums, the event continued at the dinner table. In their speeches, family members and relatives of the martyrs shared their memories of their sons. They expressed gratitude to our state and the university management for their attention and respect.

