

News 15 Nov 2022
Memorandum is signed between ASOIU and Azerbaijan Coca-Cola Bottlers

A meeting was held between the Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU) and Azerbaijan Coca-Cola Bottlers (LLC).

Welcoming the guests at the meeting on October 31, ASOIU Rector Professor Mustafa Babanli spoke about long-term relations and joint projects with Coca-Cola. Informing about the HSE & Process Safety Introduction courses held for students at ASOIU and the work related to the internship, Rector, Professor M. Babanli, emphasized the importance of expanding the scope of joint work between the university and the company.

R. Mammadova, General Director of Azerbaijan Coca-Cola Bottlers LLC, spoke about the history of the company's establishment in our country, its field of activity, factories, scholarship programs and cooperation. R. Mammadova said that work is underway to expand the company's activities and that it is planned to open the next 2nd plant; she stressed that the company has a great need for young engineering personnel, especially women, and hopes that the expansion of cooperation with the university brings positive results to both parties.

Then a memorandum of Understanding was signed between the parties within the framework of the Women Scholarship project.

It should be noted that according to the memorandum, within the framework of the Women Scholarship project, students are supported in their academic life and the development of leadership qualities and abilities. The employability of students with experience in the company in the field of engineering will be assessed.
