

News 15 Nov 2022
ASOIU students takе classes at a manufacturing enterprise

Students of the Chemical Technology Faculty of the speciality "Chemical Engineering" of the Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU) took classes by the syllabus at the SOCAR POLYMER production enterprise (Sumgayit city). At the enterprise that has a large area, first, the students got acquainted with the HSE "Health, Safety and Environment". Then the students in the minibuses allocated toured the plant's territory, received comprehensive information about the facilities, and observed the process of purchasing polymers (high-density polyethene and polypropylene).

The students were explained the principle of operation of large extruders operating at the plant. In one of the extruders, the process of converting the produced polyethene to granulated form and adding carbon to the composition of the resulting polyethene was monitored. After thoroughly familiarising themselves with the equipment, the students watched how analyses are carried out in laboratories with the latest device models. In laboratories, students were explained the melting index of polymers, the limits of compression and tensile strength, Martens' and Wick's heat resistance methods, and the principle of operation of chromatographs.
