

News 18 Nov 2022
ASOIU holds a meeting with a group of entrepreneurs

On November 17, a meeting was held between the rector of the Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University, Professor Mustafa Babanli and a group of entrepreneurs and company executives.

At the meeting, the Rector, Professor Mustafa Babanli, said that along with the development of science, the university always pays attention to the training of qualified and educated personnel, corresponding to the modern market economy. He noted that the goal is to form a ready-made specialist before the enterprise, and this work is being done at the university following the requirements of the time.

Entrepreneurs who expressed satisfaction with the meeting spoke about the production process. They noted that AzII graduates are always in demand, and today they have established themselves as leading specialists in the production process in the oil sector.

Entrepreneurs expressed their interest in cooperation with the university and specifically noted what kind of specialists they needed. The event also discussed issues of cooperation between enterprises and the university.

