

News 19 Nov 2022
ASOIU as a chair in the conference dedicated to the Shusha Year in Turkey

On November 4-5, Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU) took part in the 3rd International Scientific-Practical Conference dedicated to the "Shusha Year" at Antalya Akev University.

3rd International Scientific-Practical Conference on "MODERN INFORMATION, MEASUREMENT AND CONTROL SYSTEMS: PROBLEMS, APPLICATIONS AND PERSPECTIVES 2022 (MIMCS'2022)", organised by leading universities of 5 countries - Azerbaijan, Turkey, France, Portugal and Ukraine, covered a wide range of engineering fields related to the development of technologies and application of control systems.

The conference began with a minute of silence in memory of the martyrs. After the speech of the Conference Co-Chairman, Head of the Instrument Engineering Department of ASOIU, Associate Professor Lala Bakirova, Vice-Rector for International Relations of ASOIU, Professor Rafik Jamalov, welcomed the conference participants and organisers on behalf of the University Rector, Professor Mustafa Babanli, and wished success to the conference. At the opening, Prof. Kerim Çetin, Vice-Rector of Antalya Akev University, Prof. Euriko Seabra from the Portuguese University of Minho, representatives of the Turkish Universities Yeditepe and Gebze, as well as other universities, spoke about the importance of the conference and the role of the discussed topics of scientific research in the modern scientific and technological revolution, about cooperation and joint scientific projects.

It should be noted that the conference was held online and offline in two divisions, corresponding to sections A, B and C. Scientists from about 20 countries participated in the conference's organising committee, international committee and technical staff.
