

News 21 Nov 2022
The team of ASOIU student is the third in the world

At the World Robot Olympiad, held in Dortmund, Germany, the team of ASOIU student Farid Shikhiyev "Platon tech," was among the winners.

Other members of the team are AzTU students Rufat Shikhiyev and Gabil Huseynli. The "Platon tech" team, representing our country, took 3rd place in the "Future innovators: Senior".

At the Olympics, our country was represented in 3 categories "Robomission Elementary", "Robomission Junior", and "Future innovators: Senior". Our students ranked third in the world for the first time among 76 countries and over 2,000 participants.

It should be noted that the team led by Farid Shikhiyev, a student of ITMF ASOIU, took first place in the TEKNOFEST-Azerbaijan 2022 competition. In the TEKNOFEST,     "Blizzard Ts" - Shikhiyev Farid, Samadov Murad, Gurbanly Chingiz, and Salimzade Agshin won in category "B" in the AgroTech competition.
