

News 23 Nov 2022
ASOIU holds an event dedicated to the 60th anniversary of the Library science – information Faculty

On November 23, the Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU) hosted an event dedicated to the 60th anniversary of the Faculty of Library science – information of Baku State University (BSU) on the topic "Modern Youth and Digital Library".

The event was attended by ASOIU Vice-Rector for Scientific Affairs, Professor Latafat Gardashova, Director of AzII e-Book House Salakhat Makhmudova, Dean of the Faculty of Library science – information of BSU, Associate Professor Alamdar Jabbarli, library staff and teachers of both universities.

Salakhat Makhmudova, director of AzII e-Book House, opened the event with an introductory speech, congratulated professors and teachers of BSU on their anniversary and spoke about the librarian profession.

Videos dedicated to the 60th anniversary of the Library science – information Faculty of BSU and the activities of the AzII e-Book House were shown at the event. It was noted that BSU's Faculty of Library science – information has always stood out for its special place and position in professional training. This is the only faculty in the country that trains librarians, bibliographers and publishing house editors. It was noted that the faculty has four departments - library science, Bibliography science, Formation and use of library funds, Publishing and editing, and a research laboratory for the computerization of libraries. To date, more than 6,000 graduated from the faculty.

In continuation of the event, the guests got acquainted with the AzII e-Book House software and system and the 24/7 mode.
