

News 02 Dec 2022
ASOIU hosts presentation of feature documentary film dedicated to 270th of Shusha

On December 2, the Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU) hosted a presentation of the film "270 Moments of Shusha", filmed within the framework of the "Let's know and Glorify Shusha!" project, implemented by the Public Union for the Development of Society and Media with the support of the Agency for State Support to Non-Governmental Organizations.

At the event that began with the performance of the National Anthem of the Republic of Azerbaijan, a minute of silence was observed in memory of the martyrs who gave their lives for the liberation of Karabakh.

Then the documentary film "270 Moments of Shusha" was shown, filmed within the framework of the project "Let's know and Glorify Shusha!" implemented by the Public Union for the Development of Society and Media.

TV presenter Lala Azertash, Chairman of the Public Union for the Development of Society and Media, expressed satisfaction with her stay at ASOIU and assessed the presence of 23 university graduates who died in the Patriotic War as a clear example of patriotism in a higher educational institution. Speaking about creating a film dedicated to the 270th anniversary of Shusha, L. Azertash expressed her gratitude to the management and staff of the university for their support in showing the film.

Rector, Professor Mustafa Babanli, noting that large-scale work is being carried out in our country within the framework of the Shusha year, stressed that within it, many scientific conferences, events and competitions are held at the university. Speaking about the beating heart of Azerbaijan - the city of Shusha, the Rector, Professor M. Babanli, highly appreciated the film and said that, despite the end of the war, the struggle on the information front continues, and such films play a unique role in this struggle. He noted that the university would support the promotion of the film.
