

News 03 Dec 2022
ASOIU and "Baku Metropolitan" CJSC discuss prospects of cooperation

On December 2, a meeting of the academic staff of the Oil Mechanical Engineering Faculty of the Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU) was held at Baku Metropolitan CJSC.

The meeting was attended by the Dean of the Oil Mechanical Engineering Faculty, Associate Professor Ali Khikmet Akhmedov, Deputy Dean for scientific affairs, associate professor Tahir Suleymanov, as well as the Head of the Training Center of the Baku Metropolitan CJSC Rufat Gadashov, Deputy Head Rizvan Bayramov and others. 

Dean of the Oil Mechanical Engineering Faculty, Associate Professor Ali Khikmet Akhmedov, informed about the large-scale reforms being carried out at ASOIU, spoke about the achievements in science, education and international relations of the university, the steps taken to improve the quality of education at the university, accreditation of specialities, teaching in English, double degree programs, exchange programs, as well as start-up projects and activities of scientists in the field of technology transfer.

The Head of the training centre of the Baku Metropolitan CJSC, Rufat Gadashov, gave detailed information about the innovations in the activities of the society, implemented new projects, etc., and expressed interest in developing relations with the university. 

During the meeting, issues of implementing joint research projects, technology transfer, lecturing on technical specialities by the company's specialists, student participation in summer practice programs, and providing students with internship opportunities were discussed.

It should be noted that the purpose of the meeting is to participate in the internship program for students of the Oil Mechanical Engineering Faculty of ASOIU to improve the quality of training of specialists further and gain practical knowledge within the framework of the daily practice project.
